Friday, March 4, 2011

Life of a busy mom.......

I was so proud of myself for creating our dinner menu this Monday, however I forgot to take into account the amount of activities we have going on this week!  Lesson learned: keep your planning calendar nearby if you plan on creating any kind of eating schedule for that week.  So instead of the luscious family style dinner of comfort food this Sunday, we are going to be driving for a cheer competition to Lord knows where.  Which means:

A)  Big all day lazy cooking is out

B)  Major planning ahead of where we are going to eat dinner that night.  We learned this lesson at the last cheer competition when we drove around aimlessly looking for a place to eat lunch during a two-hour break.

C)  If we want to avoid large portions, high calories, and un-wallet friendly offerings the whole day there is going to have to be some planning on our part for lunch.  With a picky toddler, a low-carb husband, and me trying to eat healthier that means some grocery shopping tonight.

Of course missing church this Sunday meant we went on Wednesday instead.  Which means we didn't do Wednesday's dinner either.  With today being class presentation at my daughter's school, and then tumbling class tonight, cheer practice tommorow, my dance class tomorrow night, and competition all day Sunday, my big menu plans will not be lived out to their fullest.

I don't regret it though, because planning out our weekly eating plan actually helped me prepare for these little obstacles, and since so much you do revolves around eating times, it actually helped me organize the time that I wouldn't be eating.  Think about it.  When does the baby go down for a nap?  After eating.  What was the first thing you did when you came home from school?  Got a snack!  Then probably did some homework or played.  So much of our lives revolves around the food we take.  If you plan on doing any daily schedule in the fututre the best place to start is planning meal times.

So that's my little lesson learned:  making sure normal activities and meal times co-exist harmoniously.  Up on this weekends agenda is:

Planning meals that involve less cooking time.  Might have to become more informed on Crock Pot meals....
Buying lunches and snacks for Sunday.
Making Energy Balls and Trail Mix (or what I like to affectionately call "diahrrea") Cookies for Sunday.
Trying to get some sort of tutorial up showing what I made!

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