Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Large Update and What I Am Doing

First off an explanation.  I named my blog "An Imperfect Woman's World" because that is what I am.  I will NEVER be the best woman, wife, mom, cook, employee, lover, house cleaner, friend, pet owner, blogger, gardener, crocheter, runner, dancer, seamstress etc...etc......

And you know what.  I'm ok with that.  I realize that where I excel in one area of my life, another area is lacking.  To find balance I have to give up the idea of perfection, and realize that a little bit in each area everyday is the way to find harmony.

With that in mind here is a very large update of what is going on in my life right now:


We are officially being discharged from the Coast Guard at the end of June.  We will be leaving New England, and returning to the Pacific Northwest.  I was hoping to return to my hometown, but it looks like that is not in the cards right now.  At best we will be two hours away from it.  This is heartbreaking, but I am trying to look on the upside that at least it is closer than we are now.


I don't like to post about my children because although I have ideas about the kind of mom I would like to be, each day is a different struggle.  Also, I like to keep my children off of this blog, and really I have no idea of what KIND of parent I am, if you can even classify parenting into a category.  My husband and I were relying on the military to schedule our move, however it has been decided that a do it yourself move would be more beneficial.  This is putting a lot of stress on us right now.  We're talking, and trying to roll with the punches as best we can.


I have never really talked about this on the blog before, but I am still battling depression, panic disorder, and an extreme phobia of illness (even minor ones).  I made the decision in February to finally start fighting after 17 years of suppressing, and at best it has been a roller coaster of emotion, and self-examination.  The move is definitely getting in the way of my recovery, as is the worry of a lapse in health insurance, and the putting off of desensitization therapy, which I was really gung ho about getting started.


Honestly I have been on a bit of a cooking strike since finding out we were getting out.  Maybe that will change before we leave, or maybe there isn't much point right now with everything we have going on.


Following a long stomach virus, severe weight loss, treating the anxiety, and a long recovery from a rib injury, and an emergency surgery that my dance instructor had to go through, I am finally back to dancing regularly.  I am working on a choreography with the wonderful dancer Zabel, interpreting my struggle, and recovery from anxiety.  The experience so far has been very empowering.  I also have two punches left in my card with the talented Melina of Daughter's of Rhea in Waltham, MA that I need to use up.  And starting July 9th I will be resuming classes at Yoga By Donation in Portsmouth, NH until the date we leave.


I mentioned in my last post Belly Dance and Crochet that I had finished 4 dance belts. I have been crocheting hip belts using only natural materials, for the lovely Zabel, in exchange for private lessons.  I am starting on another set of those belts, and have been researching different crochet stitches online to change things up.  Zabel will be vending my belts, and possible barefoot sandals at belly dance events, and I am very excited to be working with her, and getting my name out there.  I'm not sure where it will go from there, but maybe it will mean displaying my work at another dance studio where we move to, continuing to work with Zabel through Skype, and PayPal, or even starting an Etsy shop.  For more information about my belly dance inspiration, and crochet inspiration click on the Pinterest link above, and for more information about Zabel in New England visit


Regular Barefoot Sandals and Medium Fun Belt Modeled by Zabel


I gave away all of my seedlings to my neighbors on base except the tomatoes, and eggplant which will be going today or tomorrow hopefully.  The snap peas; which I planted 32 of outdoors, have yielded 12 plants, and the romaine; which I planted 12 of, have yielded 5 plants.  I am not sure if they will be ready for harvest before it is time to leave.  I plan on starting over next year, with my leftover seeds, and also planting a few new seeds, and starting some seedlings indoors as well to supplement those that don't take.  It has been the beginning of a learning experience, and I will miss seeing how this year would have turned out.  Other than that I have given away my potted plants, and have been deadheading, and weeding the flowers in ground until the time we leave.  I have been paying special attention to this shrub:

which I planted on the day of my Dad's death in remembrance of him.  It bloomed with the prettiest, tiny white flowers, and was a great comfort to me.


I will be finishing up a six week sewing class this Saturday, and hopefully will finish my first article of clothing on that day.  I hope to continue learning to sew, upcycle, work with patterns, make alterations, and mend at the next place we live.


I gave the blog a makeover into a simpler, and prettier template via Blogger.  I think the paint splotches really highlight the blogs theme, and while pink isn't my first choice, I do think it has a cleaner look now.  I hope to revamp the blog, learn more about HTML, and working with GIMP or Picasa, and gain more readership at a later date.  Now I am sharing my projects with my friends on Facebook (which is private) and on Pinterest, and have been pleasantly surprised at a few repins!


I downloaded the C25K app on my Iphone, and will be doing Day 3 next.  I also walk my dog once a week for 2-3 miles with a friend of mine, and there is also the belly dancing.  I hope to in the future to quit smoking again, and eat healthier since I would still like to lose about 15 more pounds.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Belly Dance and Crochet

I did it! I made 4 belts in all the sizes needed.  I really hope they get sold.  I might really get into this!

I guess it's my first time playing around with digital scrapbooking, or collage work in Picasa, or whatever you call it.  

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Make Do and Eat: Lemon Bread Pudding

Our family has a lot of bread crusts. Like a whole freezer full. And stale bagels, that one hamburger or hot dog bun that doesn't get eaten, you know what I mean.  Since we are in the process of maybe moving soon, I figured it was time to start clearing out that overstuffed freezer.  You know planning ahead just in case.  To my knowledge there is only two things worthy of leftover stale bread (well frozen leftover stale bread; I forgot about French toast).  Homemade croutons (delish!) and bread pudding!  I chose the second.  I was inspired by this pin:

via Pinterest via

So I came up with my own with a little help from Alton Brown.  You've probably figured out that he is my all-time favorite cooking guru by now.  Here's what you'll need:

  • Lemon Curd made a day or two in advance; recipe used below. Buy some if you really have to.
  • 18 oz. of stale bread (any kind but if you want to get fancy get a french boule, challah, baguette, french loaf, if you want to get really fancy cut off the crusts)
  • 2 lg. whole eggs
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 3 cups half & half (I made my own with leftover heavy cream and 2% milk in equal parts, whole milk and cream would have been closer to real half & half)
  • 1 cup whole milk (again made my own, but kind of winged it so that it looked like whole milk)
  • 2 fl. oz. lemon juice (fresh squeezed)
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
  • butter to grease the pan
  • Powdered Sugar to garnish if you must
Cut the bread into 1 inch cubes.  Then basically you throw all the ingredients except the lemon curd in a blender for a short time.  I blended too long and made some mutant form of whipped cream, but I knew a night in the fridge, and the heat of the oven would settle things down.  Grease a large casserole dish with some butter, toss in your bread cubes, spread (or in my case dribble!) the lemon curd over the bread. Pour you blender mixture over the bread and curd, and let sit between 2-8 hours to soak up the blender custard you just made.  Cook in a 325 degree oven until the temperature is 170 degrees about 45-55 min.  Rest 15-30 min.  Cut into squares and try not to eat so much crispy, eggy, moist, lemony, caramelized goodness that you almost throw up (happened!)
