Saturday, February 25, 2012


My, what a past nearly 5 weeks it has been.  I have decided to confront some demons from my past, and boy has the process been much rockier than I EVER anticipated!  That being said a lot of what I thought was important has been put on the back burner, and a lot of what I thought wasn't has moved its ugly head front and center.  Right now the focus is to work on being the best ME I can be.  So that means simplification in other areas of my life.  I do love food blogging though, so here is a pared down version of this weeks menu.


Chicken Quesadillas with Salsa, Guacamole, and Fruit

Meatloaf, Homemade Mac and Cheese, and Steamed Green Vegetable (probably broccoli)
Meatloaf recipe courtesy of

Whole Wheat Spaghetti, Quick Tomato Sauce, Green Salad with Vegetables, and Italian Garlic Bread
Tomato sauce recipe courtesy of

Mock Pot Roast, Baked Potatoes with Sour Cream, and Ginger Ale and Chili Powder Glazed Carrots
(I don't want to deal with buying a whole hunk o' beast so I'm just making Beef Stew minus the potatoes and carrots)
Beef stew recipe courtesy of
The CORRECT way to bake a potato explained here
Glazed carrot recipe courtesy of

The rest of our weekly menu will be determined by what we need to use up in our pantry and freezer.  I should take an inventory of what we have in there within a few days.  Again I say SHOULD.  Doesn't mean I will.  Please refer to blog title.  Hope everyone is well and happy.